Surprising Stats About Stainless Steel

by Jessica

Posted on May 26, 2021 at 11:05 AM

15 surprising stats about stainless steel

It is a widely known fact that stainless steel is one of the most widely utilized industrial materials.

Stainless steel items are used in just about every industry in some capacity, regardless of the nature of the firm. Stainless steel's most favorable and widely known characteristics are its pristine appearance, trustworthy endurance, and corrosion-resistant capabilities. But there is so much more than meets the eye. Here are some 15 surprising facts about stainless steel that you should definitely know about.

Steel is actually ancient

When we think of stainless steel, we usually think of it as a contemporary alloy. In actuality, stainless steel has been around for 400 years. This demonstrates that people have been utilizing this amazing alloy for a long time. Its use has grown in popularity during the last 1000 years. However, it has a far older history than we realize.

Steel is very crucial for tin cans

To avoid a reaction, cold beverages are usually stored in tin cans. Do you realize, however, that each of these tin cans contains a certain quantity of steel? According to studies, the food and beverage industry generates 200 million tin cans annually. It is unquestionably a remarkable statistic that demonstrates the importance of stainless steel in today's globe.

We produce huge amounts of steel on a daily basis

Steel manufacturers produce very large amounts of this metal every single day. To be precise and correct, the amount of steel produced in a day is enough to construct 543 Eiffel towers. You probably have a good idea of the loudness. Can you even imagine this amount of volume? We can easily estimate and understand the huge amount of market demand for stainless steel from these figures.

Steel companies employ a large number of people

Stainless steel is unquestionably one of our most booming sectors. The sector is rising by the day, thanks to the market's ever-increasing need. As a result, it employs a large number of individuals from many walks of life all over the world. Under this umbrella business, you will find a wide range of individuals working, from competent labourers to efficient managers. More than 8 million people currently work in this industry.

Modern steel is far better

As science and technology advance, each alloy improves with time. Stainless steel, like other metals, has changed throughout time. SS tubes are far more efficient, resistant to harsh circumstances, and stronger nowadays than they were previously. This advancement was made feasible by current metallurgical advancements. In addition, a wide range of steel grades are also available to meet a variety of needs.

Steel in the automobile industry

Ever since the first steel vehicle was introduced in 1918, the link between automobiles and steel has only grown stronger. This century-old romance is still going strong with no hiccups. Steel has been increasingly important in the manufacture of automobiles and car parts over time. As a result, the vehicle production sector is heavily reliant on a consistent supply of steel.

Steel and structural strength

Steel and structural strength are inextricably linked. But it was in 1885 when the first skyscraper was built utilizing stainless steel equipment and materials, that is when we fully realized that this linkage was stronger than we thought. Today, almost 50% of the total steel goes into the construction sector alone.

Steel can be recycled

One of the materials that may be recycled several times is stainless steel. The majority of the steel you buy at the store is recycled steel. Steel may be recycled for up to 150 years after it has been made. Steel is one of the most environmentally friendly and sustainable industrial materials out there.

Steel can comparatively be quite light in weight

Stainless steel is undeniably robust and long-lasting. However, many people believe that everything that possesses these two characteristics is also substantial. In the case of stainless steel, this is clearly not the case. It is significantly lighter, despite its strength and toughness. As a result, the building sector has no reservations about using this material.

Steel and refrigerator

Refrigerators used to include a significant quantity of steel. Despite the fact that modern refrigerators are built differently, refrigerators built before 2001 contain about 100 pounds of steel. As a result, steel is heavily used in the FMCG product manufacturing industry.

Steel and seat belts

One of the most startling facts about stainless steel is that it is used in the manufacturing of seat belts. Stainless steel is used in the manufacturing of car parts and gears, such as seat belts, despite how strange this may sound.

The famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

Who can deny the grandeur and magnificence of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge? This bridge required 83000 tons of steel to construct. Without the support of this massive volume of steel, the stability, visual beauty, and structural integrity of this remarkable example of contemporary architecture would not have been feasible.

Steel in home security

Stainless steel's strength protects the safety of any establishment. Stainless items, no matter what they may be - doors, locks, frames, or railings, always come with the assurance of total security because of the durability of steel.

Stainless steel is much stronger than other metals

To say that steel is a strong material is an understatement. It is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful in the world. When it comes to the world's strongest building materials, stainless steel is undoubtedly among the top strongest metals that are used.

Research and development

Every year, a significant amount of money is spent on stainless steel research and development in order to manufacture goods that are more durable and helpful. Over $10 billion has already been invested in stainless steel R&D, with the goal of producing higher-quality steel products.

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